Get ready for a mind-blowing journey to abundance and radical self-love in this electrifying episode of The Femme Cast.

Are you ready to transform your money mindset and start embodying wealth like never before? Well, hold onto your hats because we've got a powerhouse of a guest, Taylor Eaton, joining us today to drop some truth bombs and ignite your self-trust!

In this episode, we're diving deep into the magical world of Human Design and how it can supercharge your path to prosperity. Taylor, an expert in all things Human Design, wealth mindset and embodiment, is here to break down how aligning with your unique design can open doors to abundance you never knew existed.

Get ready to laugh, learn, and leap into the world of abundance with us in this electrifying episode! Whether you're a Human Design enthusiast, someone looking to level up their money game, or just eager to embrace more self-love in your life, this episode has something for everyone.

Get ready to transform your relationship with money (and everything else) with "Embodying Wealth | Transforming Money Mindset With Wealth Embodiment And Human Design, And The Power Of Self-Trust With Taylor Eaton (A Journey To Abundance And Radical Self Acceptance)."

And it’s all happening right here on TheFemmeCast.

Let’s do this!

Connect with Taylor Eaton on IG:
Check out her website:
Check out her Wealthy Woman Oracle deck:

Remember. Love yourself the way you want to be loved, and I promise you, you will be.

Join me for a FREE 21 Day Radical Self-Love Challenge, where each day, we'll dive deep into practices that nurture the mind, body, and soul, empowering you to rewrite your love story on the inside, so you can experience more love on the outside. It's all happening on Instagram @thefemmecast.